THE gospel changes everything

Genesis 1:1-26

The Christian faith teaches us that the gospel changes everything.  If Jesus came to live the life that we cannot live, to face the death we deserved and He raised from the death, then the totality of our life should be put under His authority. Nevertheless, for many people, it is difficult to understand how the gospel should also transform our day-to-day  work.  We constantly experience more consequences of living in a fallen world rather than the glory of our vocations and callings.  Questions that may arise from this reality are:  How do I know that I am honoring God in my work or if I am only using it for my selfish gain? What should I do if I don’t like the work that I have? Can I really connect the day to day and apparently insignificant stuff of life with the plan of God for the world?


The “Faith and Work” initiative seeks to establish the foundation for the integration of our faith with work through Biblical teaching, theological reflection, and practical examples. The primary goal is that each person who participates in this training would have a clearer vision of how God can use their callings and vocations.